An Employee Spotlight From Our New Location

One year ago, the Equiparts team expanded with the acquisition of Parts Unlimited Inc in Manassas, VA. The transition has been very positive. We continue to communicate daily with our new branch and provide support to ensure the best service for all of our customers. This week, one of our Virginia employees visited our headquarters in Pittsburgh, PA.

Jeff Gilliam

Meet Jeff Gilliam! Jeff is the Warehouse Supervisor at our Manassas location. He has been working in the plumbing parts business for seven years. Before joining PUI/Equiparts, he worked in various warehouse jobs, and performed exterior home repairs such as roofing, gutter repair, and carpentry. When Equiparts acquired PUI last year, Jeff was promoted to Warehouse Supervisor. He enjoys the stability of the job, and the freedom he has to make decisions and get things done. He appreciates the trust that Chris, our operations manager, has in him, and likes that he doesn’t need to be micromanaged.

“Chris and I get along so well that they don’t have to do that,” he said.

Chris added, “It’s been great having Jeff step up and take charge. We work well together, and it makes my job much easier having someone I can trust to complete the tasks we need completed each day.”

Jeff spends his day overseeing the shipping and receiving departments, and ensuring the accuracy of orders. He cites his previous warehouse experience as extremely valuable in his new role as supervisor.

“I have to be the one who knows how to do all the jobs,” Jeff said. “Otherwise, how else could I help my crew?”

Since the acquisition, Jeff really enjoys working with the new computer system that tracks purchase orders and customer orders. Many of the tasks he previously did manually are now done automatically. A triple-check, color-based procedure was also implemented in Manassas that Jeff also likes very much. He said all of these changes have made the whole process run more accurately and efficiently. He looks forward to even more integration as he and his coworkers in Virginia learn more features of the system.

Jeff is of Scottish heritage, and traveled to Scotland last year with his wife. He bought a small plot of land there as part of a woodland conservation project. By Scottish law, he says this now allows him to introduce himself with a distinguished title.

“I tell people they must now address me as ‘Your Lordship’,” he says with a laugh.

Manassas Location Contact Information

8515 Phoenix Drive, 
Manassas, VA 20110
Open in Google Maps



Phone/Counter Hours
7:30AM – 4:00 PM EST

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